Parts Manufacturing
AGV is used in storage material distribution, AGV assembly line assembly and other links, and the application products are mainly laser forklift truck, latent type and backpack type.

AGV application area

Application mode

AGV type

Project income

Inner line and outer line

SPS distribution, AGV assembly line

Latent, backpack, assembly

SPS mode 1:1 on-time delivery with the line


Assembly-type assembly line, flexible production


Laser forklift truck for highly efficient transfer of materials


Quantify the transport between small batch lines to liberate manpower

Machining line

AGV forklift, single-piece flow

Latent type, traction type

Storage parts

SPS distribution, single-piece flow

Back-mode, latent

Parts Manufacturing
LGIM full set of solutions, all solutions
Delivery on time, efficiency improvement, delivery personnel cost reduction, replace forklift truck, eliminate fuel consumption, SPS distribution to prevent errors.
Case video